ESG & Stewardship

Responsible Investment Approach

Egerton’s fundamental, research-intensive stock-picking approach to investing naturally leads us to identify well-governed companies with sustainable, long-term business models.

ESG factors form an important part of the investment process. All analysts are responsible for the consideration of ESG factors when conducting fundamental research and analysis on individual companies.

For further information, please download our ESG & Sustainability Risk Policy


Our ESG Commitments

Egerton has been a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment since 2021.

Egerton committed to the UK Stewardship Code upon its inception in 2010 and became a signatory to the enhanced UK Stewardship Code 2020 in 2022.

Our Annual Report (for 2023) is available here.


The investment team travel extensively to meet company management, to question them on their businesses and discuss issues such as governance, strategy, and shareholder value.

For further information on our Stewardship and Shareholder Engagement please click here.

Voting at shareholder resolutions is another means by which Egerton discharges its stewardship responsibilities. Proxy voting decisions are the result of careful judgement to ensure the best possible outcome to generate long-term shareholder value.

For our Annual Disclosure of Shareholder Voting Activity please click here.